Self-Help For Fighting Or Preventing Cancer

Are you worried about cancer?

If you have cancer or would like to take steps to help prevent from getting it in the future – there are a number of things you can do which will help your body.

1. Be aware of conditions that encourage the development and growth of cancer cells:-

(a) Cancer cells thrive on SUGAR – so eat as little as possible – look out for ‘hidden sugar’ in tinned beans, soups, cereals etc.etc. (Many soft drinks are loaded with it!)

(b) Cancer cells thrive in acidic conditions in the body – so make it as alkaline as possible by cutting right down on animal protein – especially red meat (which makes it acid) and by eating lots of fresh (organic if possible) vegetables – which makes it alkaline.

Super foods for fighting cancer are:-

Broccoli, Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Kale, Watercress, Garlic Apples, Apricots, Cranberries, Blackberries, Cantaloupe Melon. Almonds, Walnuts, Beans, Lentils, Most herbs, Olive oil

Be very careful to avoid mouldy or rancid food – especially nuts, fats and cheese.

Also avoid smoked, barbequed and salt-cured food and processed meat, food additives, artificial sweeteners (especially Aspartame) and overheated oil.

(c) Cancer cells thrive in low oxygen conditions so make sure you are getting lots of oxygen into your blood by deep breathing exercises and regular aerobic exercise. Make sure that you are not anaemic and take flax oil regularly -which helps the blood carry more oxygen.

Cutting down on dairy products – milk, cream, butter and cheese MAY help prevent/fight cancer.

In China people have an extremely low incidence of cancer – especially breast cancer but if they move to the West or change to a Western diet – their incidence of cancer has been shown to rise to that of westeners. The Chinese consume very little dairy and rarely give their babies cow’s milk – if they can’t breast feed they find someone who can breastfeed their baby. Breastfeeding is also thought to protect mothers from developing breast cancer.

Various studies have also concluded that the following are also helpful in preventing/fighting cancer:-


Most of us will develop cancer cells in our bodies several times during our life times but if we are healthy our immune systems quickly and easily destroy them.

However, constant, long term (negative) stress has been shown to damage our immune system – so anything that helps reduce this stress will be beneficial.

Hypnotherapy can not claim to cure cancer but it can help in a number of ways:-

a. Reduces Stress

It provides relaxation at a very deep level for both body and mind.

This helps you to manage stress more easily and so boosts your immune system.

b. It can help develop a more positive attitude (which can make all the difference to recovery)

c. Hypnohealing (see for details near end ) can encourage the subconscious mind to assist much more vigorously in the self healing process –

After all –

All Healing is really Self-Healing! (The body is capable of producing it’s own ‘drugs’!)

Visualisation and guided imagery can be used much more effectively under hypnosis.

Meditation is also very useful for stress management but many people find this difficult – an easier way is to learn self-hypnosis from your hypnotherapist.

2.Avoid Pollutants and Contaminants

Any pollutants (unwanted chemical substances) getting on or into our bodies may interfere with our body chemistry and encourage/cause cancer – so we should avoid them as much as possible.

Organic food fruit and veg. may not taste any different to us (animals such as rabbits can tell the difference!) but they are not soaked in chemical fertilisers, pesticides and fungicides (which can gradually build up in our body) as are our ‘perfect looking’ mass produced produce.

Potatoes are generally very contaminated – buying organic ones means that you can safely eat the skin (which contain all the vitamins) and there is less waste.

If you can’t afford organic peel and wash very well – the more perfect -the more washing it needs. NB Adding a little white vinegar to the water will help remove pollutants.

Organic, free range animals will hopefully have had happier, less stressful lives and will not have been injected with antibiotics or growth hormones or covered in organophosphates to prevent skin conditions and parasitic worms.

If we eat ‘factory-farmed animals’ (including ‘farmed’ fish) not only are we ingesting the man-made drugs it’s been treated with but also the stress hormones produced by the animal itself – because it has been raised and slaughtered in very stressful conditions.They are often fed on cheap, poor quality processed food which in turn makes up the meat.

Far better to eat small amounts of dearer, good quality, organic meat, eggs, and milk than large amounts of cheap rubbish. If you put ‘rubbish’, contaminated fuel in your car it would soon start to go wrong!

Processed food, ready meals etc are usually lacking in natural vitamins (which are destroyed during the process) and have lots of artificial additives –

simple, fresh food has far more goodness.

I am personally convinced that most of us don’t eat a good balanced diet partly because of the way food is produced and also because of the way we cook it, therefore I feel that a ‘good’ multi-vitamin and mineral supplement can only do good for most people (check with your doctor).

Studies have shown that high strength vitamin C tablets and D3 appear to help cancer patients and vitamin B complex helps people with stress.

(NB lack of sunshine caused a deficiency in D3)

Chlorinated water should be avoided when possible by using a filter,

drinking bottled water, boiling it or leaving it to stand to release the chlorine gas.

Spending a long time in a hot power-shower can cause us to breath chlorine gas into our lungs – which should be avoided..

Plastic-bottled drinking water should be stored carefully as fumes from strong smelling substances e.g. cleaning fluids, fire lighters etc. can pass through the plastic and contaminate the water.

Never leave plastic water bottles in sunshine for long periods (especially in the car) as the water can absorb chemicals from the plastic.

Avoid cooking food in the microwave in plastic containers or in cling film to prevent chemicals in the plastic going into the food.

Glass is the safest option. Remove ready meals into glass or ceramic containers to heat.

Avoid putting anything on your skin that you would not put in your mouth – it may appear waterproof but will absorb small amounts of your bath foam, shampoo, deodorant etc, etc, The simpler and more natural the ingredient the better – special Alum crystals make a good and relatively safe deodorant.

Spraying deodorants allows them to enter our lungs so roll on is better.

Hair dyes, especially permanent ones, should be used with care as a link has been shown between certain dyes containing paraphenylenediamine and bladder cancer.

In the modern home we are surrounded by cocktails of chemicals – air fresheners (pot-pouri is better!) spray polish, paint etc.may be breathed in.

Cleaning fluids, flea powders and collars, weed killers etc.should be used sparingly and with great care.

New synthetic furniture, carpets, mattresses etc often give off chemical fumes we inhale.

To make our homes ‘safer’ we should open windows regularly (get a through draft), unpack new items and let them air out in a spare, well ventilated room for a few days before using.(if possible)

Have house- plants such as ‘Spider plants and ‘Peace lilies’ around the home – as these filter the air.

We should avoid too much contact with electrical goods and keep clocks, mobile phones,radios etc. well away from our heads when we are in bed. I don’t think it’s a good idea to have a mobile phone on your person all day – we still know too little about long term effects.

One study has shown that it is beneficial for the immune system if we sleep in total darkness -so get yourself some blackout blinds!

The best overall advise is – ‘Everything in moderation’

for what may be the latest health product today may turn out to be

banned a year later.

Many people DO recover from cancer but this is often not recorded anywhere. We can lessen our chances of getting it in the first place if we take good care of our bodies. Prevention is always better than cure!

If you do get cancer Never give up hope and don’t let the medical profession put a ‘Hex’ on you by telling you how long you’ve got – they are often wrong and they should stop playing God!

Prayer is probably the best Self-Help there is!

Books that I have found useful about recovering from cancer:-

Getting Well Again by Stephanie Matthews-Simonton and James L. Creighton

Spontaneous Healing by Andrew Weil, MD ( All his books are excellent!)

Love, Medicine and Miracles and Peace, Love and Healing both are by Bernie Seigel MD – he has also made ‘Healing’ CD’s